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Agile HR – How can it help us to succeed in Agile organisational transformation?

In our engaging and interactive meetup we’re going to look at organizational Agility from a HR perspective. Riina will do an introduction around Agile and HR. Then we’ll work through the perspective of why it’s crucial to have your HR (people operations) professionals on board when you’re developing teams and organisations towards the agile mindset and ways of working. Spoiler alert: They’ll be blockers of agility otherwise! Riina’s style is direct and practical, “no-nonsense”.

After the introduction we’ll have discussions and Q&A, also hearing anecdotes and insights from the participants.


17:30-17:35: Joining the call and settling in

17:35-17:40: Introductions

17:40-18:30: Panel Discussion + Audience Q&A


  • I will begin admitting people into the call at 17:30. Before that, you will be on a waitlist to enter

  • Please ensure you’re muted at all times to minimise disturbance.

  • If you would like to ask a question during the talk, use the Chat system.


Riina Hellström is an internationally acclaimed agile enterprise coach, speaker, and modern HR professional, renowned for her expertise in fostering an Agile mindset and practices within organisations. Guided by her motto of “Co-creating a healthy future of work,” she is a global trailblazer in Agile HR. Her company agilehrcommunity.com

offers certified Agile training customised for HR and business professionals. Riina engages in organisational development and transformation initiatives with Fortune 500 companies. Her book “Agile HR” has become the go-to handbook for Agile HR practitioners. In her head she still thinks she is a surfer-kickboxer, but mostly does slow jogging, traveling, and juggles a family, a renovation, and running a business.

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